Fenetres Windows

$ 15.00

by Gilles Obermayer

Modern Dance Original Percussion Compositions.  Recorded at Barnard College, Studio 1 – with additional ambient sounds from NYC.  These are full compositions / some with changing sections, rhythms and moods

Track 1 -Ahead Stop
[mp3j track=”http://www.asgardprod.com/MP3/fenetres-trk1-ahead.mp3″ title=””]

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Fenetres Windows by Gilles Obermayer


  Title  Description Time DEMO
1. Ahead Stop Ambient intro – moves into a 5 pattern / has tempo change 8:12 [mp3j track=”http://www.asgardprod.com/MP3/fenetres-trk1-ahead.mp3″ title=””]
2. Subway excerpt from middle of the piece
– percussion / continuing rhythm
2:58 [mp3j track=”http://www.asgardprod.com/MP3/fenetres-trk2-subway.mp3″ title=””]
3. De Charybe en Sylla Excerpt about 2:25 – changes duple to triple / percussion 10:43 [mp3j track=”http://www.asgardprod.com/MP3/fenetres-trk3-charybe.mp3″ title=””]
4. Dead Line About 1:10 – light percussion 3:26 [mp3j track=”http://www.asgardprod.com/MP3/fenetres-trk4-deadline.mp3″ title=””]
5. Low Frequency e excerpts of different moods 9:06 About 1:20

[mp3j track=”http://www.asgardprod.com/MP3/fenetres-trk5-lowfrequency.mp3″ title=””]

About 4:30
[mp3j track=”http://www.asgardprod.com/MP3/fenetres-trk5-lowfrequency4-30.mp3″ title=””]

6. Moraines / Ice includes ambient sounds 6:53 excerpt 1
[mp3j track=”http://www.asgardprod.com/MP3/fenetres-trk6-Moraines1.mp3″ title=””]
excerpt 2
[mp3j track=”http://www.asgardprod.com/MP3/fenetres-trk6-Moraines2.mp3″ title=””]
7. Chance ambient chance 7:07  
8. The Boxer includes accelerando 8:28 [mp3j track=”http://www.asgardprod.com/MP3/fenetres-trk8-boxer.mp3″ title=””]

FENETRES WINDOWS by Gilles Obermayer
sold in a slimline case


Additional information

Weight .14 lbs