Contemplation and Play

$ 15.00

Improvised music for a community movement jam
by John & Miro Sprague

12 pieces for Modern Dance combinations & improvisation. Keyboards, flutes, percussion, voice:  an informal live recording.
Track 8 – Miro’s Dance


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Contemplation and Play by John Sprague & Miro Sprague

John Sprague – about Contemplation & Play:   “This is a live recording of music inprovised for an evening movement jam.  The atmosphere was informal, low key, including children.  For almost 2 hours of music we have culled this chronological selection.  It was a special joy to work with my talented and inspired son, Miro, and I hope you enjoy his marvelous keyboard playing as much as I do.  A very special thanks to Chris who gave me this recording as a present!


1. Prelude:  Enter the Child 1:39


2. First Movement 7:33 Excerpt 1 – 


Excerpt 2 – 

3. Second Movement 8:05 Excerpt 1 –


Excerpt 2 –


Excerpt 3 –

4. Sixes 4:41
5. Percussive Six 3:22
6. Body Mind 12:24 Excerpt 1 – 


Excerpt 2 –

7. Inner Child 3:39
8. Miro’s Dance 4:34
9. Deep Groove 5:26
10. Gentle Funk 6:28
11. Closing Dance 5:40
12. Postlude – Reverie 3:24

Contemplation & Play by John and Miro Sprague

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Additional information

Weight .08 lbs